Pass on The Torch, Never Give Up The Faith, Keep the Light Burning. (Grave Of The Fireflies)|憑一口氣,點一盞燈,有燈就有人。( 《再見螢火蟲》
ink and colour on silk
87 x 57cm
Private collection|私人收藏
「憑一口氣,點一盞燈,念念不忘必有回響,有燈就有人」 -- 《一代宗師》
"Pass on The Torch, Never Give Up The Faith, Keep the Light Burning" -- The Grandmaster
This painting is a response to my favourite animation Grave Of The Fireflies. It was first shown in 1988 which is the year I was born. I first watched it in my University film course in 2008. The depiction of pain and humanity is unforgettable.
Twelve years have passed and social unrest often reminds me of this animated film. Hog Kong people work hard to survive. Freedom is as important as food. The glow from fireflies gives us hope in the dark. War has ended and society returns to normal. Some people in the animation have faded from memory but I still maintain hope in Hong Kong.
( English translation by Karin Weber Gallery)