Frank Tang |tangkaiyiu[a]
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Multi-media artist Frank Tang has used a range of technologies and platforms in his projects, including ink painting, video, sound, and collaborative performance; yet his work is always informed by his interest and training in Chinese shanshui (landscape) painting. Tang’s practice is marked by his exploration into ways of integrating not only the traditional aesthetic language, but also the experiential and philosophical concerns of shanshui art into contemporary idioms.

Through the study of forms of mapping in recent years, Tang’s work focuses on the geo-politics, socio-cultural landscapes, and artistic interpretations of topographical reality. This is especially evident when he applies his mapping techniques to the cityscape, heritage sites, and parks in Hong Kong, for example in “Impression Mapping series”, “Pocket Park series”, and “Our Audible City series”. These works show the impact of colonisation, urbanisation, as well as the interplay of state domination and resistance concerning specific historical events.

鄧啟耀從城市生活當中尋找人與大自然的痕跡,並將其微渺的關係帶到創作。其創作經常結合不同媒介,例如水墨、錄像、聲音和跨媒體表演。 近年,他一直研究製作地圖形式,表現地緣政治、社會文化景觀和對地形現實的議題。特別在他的作品《印象紀錄》系列、《口袋公園》系列、《聽得見的城市》去探討香港的城市景觀、歷史建築和公園研究,展示背後殖民化、城市化,以及對特定歷史事件的國家統治和抵抗。

Tang graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University in 2010 and obtained a Master of Fine Arts Degree at Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2023. He has been invited to artist-in-residence programs in Zurich by Zurich University of the Arts in 2014 and Treasure Hill Artist Village in 2022. Tang has participated in many important exhibitions, including ‘Ink City’ at JC Contemporary in Tai Kwun, Hong Kong (2021); ‘Humor in Ink’ at Taoyuan Children’s Art Centre in Taiwan (2021); ‘Hidden Forest’ at Asia Society Hong Kong Center (2019); ‘A Taste of Hong Kong’ at Les Halles de Schaerbeek in Belgium (2016); and ‘China 8 – Tradition Today – Ink Painting and Calligraphy’ at Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen in Germany (2015). His artworks have been exhibited in museums, art organizations, and galleries in Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

His solo exhibitions include ‘Whispering Canopies’ (Karin Weber gallery, Hong Kong, 2023), ‘De-’ (Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, 2022); ‘You Are Here’ (Gallery Exit, Hong Kong, 2022); ‘While I was away’ (Gallery Exit, Hong Kong, 2017); ‘From 4am to 10pm’ (K11 chi art space, Hong Kong, 2016); ‘Untitled Landscape’ (Art Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, 2015); and ‘I Was Away For A While’ (Connecting Space, Hong Kong, 2015).

鄧氏於2010年畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院(榮譽)文學士,2023年於香港中文大學取得藝術碩士學位。 他曾參展香港大館賽馬會藝坊「墨城」(2021)、臺灣桃園市兒童美術館「優墨」(2021)、 亞洲協會香港中心「尋林覓趣」(2019) 、香港藝術中心及比利時Les Halles de Schaerbee合辦的「香港味道」(2016)、德國蓋爾森基興美術館的中國八項目「Tradition Today – Ink Painting and Calligraphy」(2015)。 其作品見於德國、瑞士、比利時、日本、臺灣和香港的各個藝術館、藝術機構和畫廊。

個人展覽包括:「風樹不靜」(凱倫偉伯畫廊,香港,2023)「鄧啟耀個展— De-」(寶藏巖國際藝術村,臺北,2022)、「你在此」(安全口畫廊,香港,2022)、「我回來了」(安全口畫廊,香港,2017)、「From 4am To 10pm」(K11 chi art space,香港,2016)、「無名山水」(台灣高雄藝術博覽會,台灣,2015)、「鄧啟耀:外出一會」(connecting space,香港,2015)。