Frank Tang |tangkaiyiu[a]
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Audio recording

Plastic Diorama of a Natural Soundscape|《硬膠自然聲景模型》
Pocket Park series - Sound Performance

Sound composer 聲音創作: Charles Kwong 鄺展維
Sound recording 錄音: Ng Chun Tung 吳俊東/ Jacklam Ho Tsz-yeung 何子洋

07/10/2018|Tai Wo Street Playground
14/10/2018|Queen's Road/ Sawtow Street Sitting-out Area
21/10/2018|Dominion Garden
28/10/2018|Queen's Road/ Sawtow Street Sitting-out Area
04/11/2018|Tai Wo Street Playground

Artist Statement
Tang extends his mapping out to the city and into the parks themselves, where he creates intermittent interventions in collaboration with composer Charles Kwong and a small group of musicians. Here, at fixed hours during the week, they perform a kind of musical mapping on instruments that imitate the sounds of the birds and other animal life that inhabit these small urban oases. These unusual mini-concerts inside the “pocket parks” create a kind of poetic incongruity that Tang hopes will make visitors curious, perhaps inspire them to pause and listen and, ultimately, to become attentive to the park environment in a different, less habitual way. However tenuously, and however briefly, through his art Tang maps pathways that take the audience through a familiar topography, but that yet may lead them to unexpected destinations.